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Do-mun-EEK-ah (Dominica 🇩🇲)

Wednesday February 19 Charlie and I got up for school and after we finished our work Jason picked us up to go to the Chauderie pools. When we got there we had to hike up to the Chauderie pools. When we got there there was a astonishing rock that you could jump from. We jumped from the big rock and Charlie jumped from the most precipitous rock. We met some people there too. They were Canadians tha ran a dogsled ranch but vacationed in the Caribbean for three weeks each winter. Then we had backed up and drove to a restaurant to have lunch. The place where we had lunch was called Calibishi. We had a very hearty meal. Charlie ordered a fish dish that was served on a on a banana leaf. After lunch we drove to the Pointe Baptiste chocolate factory. First we saw the cocoa pods, so colorful and we also tasted the cocoa beans inside. The tour guides took us inside the chocolate factory to see the process of making chocolate. Then we went down to the last floor and that is where they shape the chocolate. After the chocolate factory we went back to the dinghy dock and we went on the Indian River tour. A guy name Roy was our awesome guide and along the way we saw the Pirates of the Caribbean Calypso Cottage. He rowed us down to the Indian river bar. I met a cat there that looked melancholy. It’s mother had absndoned it. I begged mom and dad to let me keep It... but they said no! Roy made me a souvenir out of local Dominica foliage palm leaf. We left the Indian river bush bar and he rowed us back to the dinghy dock. No engines are allowed on Indian River.  After that we got a water taxi back to the boat. Thursday, February 20 Jerome took us to Syndicate Falls ... it was a muddy walk, we had to cross three rivers on foot and it was VERY COLD! That afternoon we sailed to the Capital city of Roseau .   The Capital of Dominica in the southern part of the island and they were getting ready for their annual “Carnival.”

Friday, Feb 21 Mills and I got up early and did most of our work. Our tour guide picked us up around 9 to take us to the Titou Gorge, that’s where Pirates of The Caribbean “cage of bones” scene was filmed. When we got there we got in the water it was super cold. So we started our journey through the gorge. It was very cool how we were in freezing cold water but then above us was a lush of trees and plants  on the same rock. It was a very tight gorge we had a scanty amount of room. After about five minutes we were all on the verge of getting hypothermia. So after we were done with that we headed to Tragalgar Falls. When we got there we were wondering if we should swim in it. We were all kind of skeptical at first but then we decided to do it. When we were all ready our tour guide, Jones, took us up a short, but rocky hike, it was such a clamber. We then got to the our swimming spot and swam around for a bit. Then dad found this awsome hot spring right beside our cold falls. It was ground water, that’s why it was so hot. So after we were done with that we hiked down and and change back in to our clothes then went to lunch. It was a delicious meal Overlooking the falls. Then Jones took us to look around the town for ourselves we went to the library and I found and where’s Waldo book, I haven’t read those since I was little. We then went to a restaurant and had a snack. After that we did a huge grocery run and had to carry it all back a mile to the dingy dock... and Martin was not there to transport us... thankfully we met a very nice british couple that made multiple trips back and forth to transport us and our groceries... thanks a lot Martin! We think Carnival started early for him.

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