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St. Kitts/Nevis + Birthday Celebs 🎂 🎊 🎈

The following is published by Charlie and Mills Sutton and sponsored by Wordly Wise 3000 book 7 and book 4(They cannot re-use words from previous posts-the struggle is real!)

We left Statia to our north and headed south and east to St Christopher’s or better known as St Kitts.   A long stretching island that had distinct north and south portions. Wind was light and we sailed for a while until we needed to motor to make it to Basseterre, where we would anchor. The next morning we got up and went to church and it was 1hr & 40 min long ....and I’m not exaggerating. After church we went to the boat and changed out of our church clothes and then went on a very long quest around the island. We rode around the island with Abdul in his slow bumpy Bus and saw many interesting things. We saw the Fort at Brimstone Hill, and where Thomas Jefferson’s grandfather was buried. Then we went to Gibbons Point. That is the most northern part of the island. From there we made our way down to the south part of the island where all the resorts were like the Park Hyatt. Alongbthe way we made stops st different places. Every time, these dudes in green shirts would come up and hand Mills a monkey with a diaper on to hold... then they would want a couple of dollars. We spent like $10 on involuntary monkey holding. 🙄 After way too long, Abdul finally took us back to the dinghy dock and went back to the boat. We motored a short way up South Friars Bay. Mills and I found a huge star fish. I dove down 14 feet to get it. Mom wouldn’t let us keep it so we took pics and threw it back.The next day we got up and did school work and after Mills and I were done we all looked for new star fish and we made a family of 8 different ones. The star fish were prostrate on the ground. Mills named them all...Tiny, Reggie, Coco, Radiance, Footy, Shelley, Sandy and Reed. At the bay we saw the Maltese Falcon, the 3rd largest sailing vessel in the world. The next day we went to Shitten Bay and snorkeled. It was one of the best snorkeling spots we have ever been to. The reef had so many aquatic animals it was amazing. My dad and I found a school of at least 25 lobsters under a cave. After that we made our way to Nevis.

The sail to Nevis was short. First we went to customs and checked in which is always a pain. We went to the Nevis bakery and found a cake for my birthday and then we went to the store because we needed a lot of groceries. There were school kids walking around town. We find out they have a free hour at lunchtime everyday to do whatever they want. Im going to suggest that to the incoming head of school at APA for next year. But not the uniforms!! The town we went to was a hamlet. Then we got in the dinghy and went back to the boat for about 30 minutes to unload grocery. After that we dinghyed back to shore and got a ride to a place called Chrishi Beach club. The waiters were very amiable. There was a huge Lands End photo shoot going on there for their summer catalog. After we ate Charlie and I went swimming. Then we dried off and played a game of corn hole. And we got a ride back and dinghyed to our boat. After a little while had dinner and I was so excited for tomorrow because it was my birthday. The next day I woke up super early and my mom served me breakfast in bed. A chocolate croissant đŸ„ and sausage, my favorite! When I got upstairs there were a lot of presents on the table. And mom had decorated with banners and balloons. I opened my presents , did my schoolwork, and called my grandparents. They were very happy to talk to me and cherished my words. Around noon we made a quick trip to a place called Sunshine, a place people had told us to go! Dad and Charlie got into an intense game of cornhole that went into double overtime -Charlie won!! After that we went back to and got ready for the Funky Monkey🐒 tour. Went to shore and Justin, our guide, picked us up in an open air Jeep to show us the entire island. I got to sit up front with him. We stopped to look at some spots and I was astonished at how many sheep there where. The sheep 🐑 look like goats 🐐 But Justin told us you can tell them apart if they have long tails that hang down. Goats have short tails that go up. We saw a very large portion of the island. The sights were very pretty. After about three hours we started heading back.Once we got back to the dinghy dock we went to our boat and got ready for my birthday dinner. We had dinner at a restaurant called Turtle Time. The food was really good and I facetimed a few of my friends. After dinner we got a ride back and we went to the boat to have the cake. The cake was delicious. My brother and I  watched a movie before bed. It was a great 10th birthday!!

Oh.. one fun fact about Nevis. Alexander Hamilton was born there!

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Feb 03, 2020

Happy Birthday Millsie! and a great write up by you and Charlie! Love you both!


Feb 02, 2020

Happy Birthday, Mills! I love the Wordly Wise posts...Keep 'em coming!

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